Manage Shift Trades

Access: Users assigned the House Supervisor, Manager, Director, or Facility Administrator roles can access the Manage Shift Trades screen.

A shift trade is when an employee surrenders an assigned shift they would rather not work to another employee, who wants to pick up that shift. If the other employee requests to pick up the surrendered shift, it is routed to the Manage Shift Trades screen for review and approval.

To view the Manage Shift Trades screen:

  1. Sign in to Facility Scheduler as a user assigned the House Supervisor, Manager, Director, or Facility Administrator role.
  2. On the main navigation menu, click Requests > Manage Shift Trades.
  3. Enter filter criteria to view facility, department, skill level, and date range.


Manage Shift Trades Filter Criteria


  1. Click Load Trades.
  2. Shift trades matching the filter criteria are displayed.
  3. Employees with secondary department associations are identified by the [S] icon.  
  4. Employees with a covering skill who are requesting the trade are designated by an asterisk (*) next to the skill. For example, if a LPN is requesting to fill an RN shift, the skill displays as RN*.


Manage Shift Trades Displaying Trade Requests


The table below defines the columns displayed in the Manage Shift Trades screen.





The currently assigned employee for the shift. This employee is requesting to come off the shift.


The employee requesting to pick up the shift. If approved, this employee will be the scheduled employee for the upcoming shift. Employees outside of the department, who have a secondary department association are identified by the [S] icon.


Will approving this shift cause overtime for the requesting staff?


Click to approve or deny the shift trade.

Note: If employees requesting a trade are from different departments, the trade must be approved by leadership in both departments before it can go into effect.


Displays current request status, such as Awaiting Approval.


Shift trade requests in Pending status must be reviewed and either approved or denied. When reviewing shift trade requests, the requester's skill, covering skill,  and department association are displayed in the table.

To approve a shift trade request:

  1. Click Approve.
  2. The request status moves from Pending to Approved.
  3. The employees are notified by email and their schedules are updated.

To deny a shift code request:

  1. Click Deny.
  2. Review the shift trade information and enter Note text (optional).
  3. Click Save.


Confirm Denial of a Shift Trade Request


  1. The request status moves from Pending to Denied.
  2. The employees are notified by email.


Additional Information

Requests Overview

Submitted Requests

Assignment Trade Release - Employee

Assignment Trade Requests - Employee


      Facility Scheduler