Staff Cancel Report

Access: Users assigned the Reports - Staff Cancel Report permission.

Roles: By default, the following roles are assigned this permission: Staff and higher when staff only reports are activated. 

The Staff Only Cancel Report simplifies and standardizes reporting of cancelled shift information. If staff reports are activated for your facility and configured to allow staff to run reports, hospital staff members will see the Reports tab on the Facility Scheduler navigation bar. Special permissions are not required for staff members to access staff-only reports.

To run the Staff Only Cancel Report:

  1. Sign in to Facility Scheduler.
  2. Click the Reports tab in the navigation bar.


Staff Reports Screen


  1. Click Staff Only Cancel Report.
  2. Enter a date range. The default range is 90 days; however, up to one year of shift cancellation data is available for reporting.
  3. Your default Facility is selected. If you are assigned to multiple facilities, choose a facility.
  4. Select From Department(s) and Skill(s).
  5. Click Save.


Cancelled shift report data is sorted by Shift Date.


Staff Cancel Report with Sample Data


  1. Sort shift cancellation data by clicking a column title.
  2. Click the up arrow to sort by ascending order.
  3. Click the down arrow to sort by descending order.
  4. Data can be sorted by multiple columns. The sort priority displays in the column title.
  5. Click Export to Excel to export the report in Excel format to save and/or print.
  6. Close the report to return to the filter screen.


Additional Information

Configure Staff Only Reports

Staff Only Float Report


      Facility Scheduler