Staffing Dashboard – Viewing Staff Levels

Access: Users assigned the Staffing Dashboard - Read Only and Staffing Dashboard - Action Capable roles may access and view the Staffing Dashboard. 

The Staffing Dashboard displays real-time staffing and census data by facility, service line, department, shift summary period, and skill. By presenting staffing data in a color-coded grid format, instances of over and under staffing can be quickly identified and resolved by managers and staffers.

To view staffing targets and the number of employees scheduled for each skill, hover over a cell in the Nursing and Support skill columns


Example Staffing Grid Displaying Staffing Levels

Grid Color Code:


Managers and Staffers can click a cell in any Skills column to view the Resource Assignments screen from which they can view, edit, split, float, and cancel assignments in order to meet staffing needs.

Staffing resources are listed by:


Click an employee’s name to edit, float, split, or cancel an assignment.

Click the Close button at the top of the screen to return to the dashboard view.


Additional Information

Dashboard - Creating an Assignment

Dashboard - Editing an Assignment

Dashboard - Floating an Assignment

Dashboard - Splitting an Assignment

Dashboard - Cancelling an Assignment




      Facility Scheduler